What to Expect from us

Selling a business can happen quickly, but typically takes 9-12 months.  Below is a typical timeline of the process.  

Day 1

Understanding You

We ask many questions to understand your situation, your company and your companies market value.

Week 1


We do an extensive review of all your financial documents  Not only to establish value, but to identify red flags and ensure we pro actively answer questions that we know buyers will ask.

Month 1 - Month 8


We anonymously push your information out to 14,000 registered buyers and investors.  We qualify buyers, answer questions, and keep you posted on all developments.

Months 2-9

Engaging Potential Buyers

We push your business out to our 15,000+ registered buyers as well as 12 businesses for sale and M&A web sites.  We often field hundreds of inquires in our quest to find the right buyer(s).  

Month 6-8

Presenting offers and counter offers

We provide guidance on securing the best deal for you.   Many offers have moving parts and you need to understand the pros and cons of different structures.

Month 2-9

Presenting the Right Buyers/Investors

We  set up meetings with buyers that have the capacity to purchase and successfully manage your business. 

Month 8-9

Due Dilegence

We manage the process and help buyers understand the details, keeping you free to run your business.

Month 9 

Closing the deal

We provide guidance on deal structure and provide, resources, processes and paperwork to close the deal.   


How to Sell your business

Article from the New York Times

For more information on the process

Additional Detail 

Click here for more detail on this process and how to sell your business